
Mostrando postagens de novembro, 2023

Beatriz Nascimento

Northeastern, born in Aracajú - Sergipe, on July 17th, 1942, she migrated to the southeast of the country with her family searching for a better life in 1949, Maria Beatriz Nascimento, given name, was a historian, researcher, activist, screenwriter, and poet. She was recognized for her in-depth study of quilombos in Brazil. Nordestina, nascida em Aracajú - Sergipe, em 17 de Julho de 1942, tendo migrado para o sudeste do país junto com sua família em busca de melhoria de vida em 1949, Maria Beatriz Nascimento, nome de batismo, foi historiadora, pesquisadora, ativista, roteirista e poeta. Foi reconhecida pelo seu estudo aprofundado sobre os quilombos no Brasil. Among her works, such as books, essays, and articles, we can highlight the following titles: "The black Man Seen by Himself", "For a History of the Black Man", "Kilombo and Community Memory", "The Concept of Quilombo and Black Cultural Resistance " among others. Dentre suas obras, como livro

Djamila Ribeiro

Djamila Taís Ribeiro dos Santos, mother, philosopher, feminist, and writer born in 1980, also coordinated the collection of books “Feminismos Plurais” (Plural Feminisms). She is the author of the books: “Quem tem Medo do Feminismo Negro?” (Who is afraid of Black Feminism?), “Lugar de Fala” (Place of Speech), “Cartas para Minha Avó” (Letters to My Grandmother), and “Pequeno Manual Antirracista” (Short Anti-racist Guide). Djamila Taís Ribeiro dos Santos, mãe, filosofa, feminista e escritora nascida em 1980, coordenou também a coleção de livros “Feminismos Plurais”. É autora dos livros: “Quem tem medo do Feminismo Negro?”, “Lugar de Fala”, “Cartas para minha avó” e “Pequeno manual antirracista”. Since 2022, she has occupied the chair number 28 at the Paulista Academy of Letters. In 2020, she received the Jabuti Award, the most important and traditional literary award in Brazil, and in 2021 she was the first Brazilian honored by the BET Awards, granted by the African-American community. De

Carolina Maria de Jesus

Carolina Maria de Jesus was a Brazilian writer, considered one of the first and most prominent black writers in Brazil. Carolina Maria de Jesus foi uma escritora brasileira, considerada uma das primeiras e mais destacadas escritoras negras do país. Born on March 14th, 1914 in Sacramento, in the interior of Minas Gerais, granddaughter of enslaved people, and daughter of an illiterate washerwoman, she had seven brothers. She went to school at the age of 7 where she attended the first and second grades of elementary school. Nascida em 14 de março de 1914, em Sacramento, interior de Minas Gerais, neta de escravizados e filha de uma lavadeira analfabeta, tinha sete irmãos. Ingressou na escola aos 7 anos de idade, onde cursou a primeira e a segunda séries do ensino fundamental. She studied little, although she soon developed a taste for reading and writing. Estudou pouco, embora logo tenha desenvolvido o gosto pela leitura e pela escrita. In 1930, she went to live in Franca, São Paulo, with

Diva Cardoso

Diva Cardoso is a confectioner, born and raised in the area of Jardim Catarina/São Gonçalo. From a humble family, her father was a mechanic, and her mother was a maid. Her first contact with the kitchen happened at the age of 6, alongside her mother, modeling “biscoitos de nata” (a cookie made from milk cream). Diva Cardoso é uma confeiteira, nascida e criada no bairro de Jardim Catarina/São Gonçalo. De família humilde, seu pai era mecânico e sua mãe, empregada doméstica. Seu primeiro contato com a cozinha aconteceu aos 6 anos de idade, ao lado de sua mãe, modelando biscoitos de nata. From a very united and festive family, Diva was always chosen to be responsible for preparing desserts for family gatherings. De uma família muito unida e festiva, Diva era sempre a escolhida como responsável pelos preparos das sobremesas para as reuniões familiares. Graduated in biology from the FIES program (Brazilian Student Financing Fund), with a stint as a researcher at the National Museum/UFRJ, wi

Jesse Owens

Born in 1913 in the city of Oakville/ Alabama and baptized James Cleveland (He began to be called Jesse at school after his teacher was unable to understand the pronunciation of his name due to his accent), Jesse Owens had his talent as an athlete noticed in high school. Dividing his career between being an athlete and a shoeshine boy, he received scholarship offers for his talent on the track and became a student at Ohio State University, after winning 75 of the 79 races he competed in and breaking the world record in the 100 yards. Nascido em 1913 na cidade de Oakville/ Alabama e batizado James Cleveland (passou a ser tratado como Jesse na escola após seu professor não conseguir entender a pronúncia de seu nome pelo sotaque), Jesse Owens teve seu talento como atleta notado ainda no ensino médio. Dividindo a carreira de atleta com a de engraxate, recebeu ofertas de bolsas de estudos pelo seu talento nas pistas e se tornou aluno da Ohio State University, após vencer 75 das 79 provas qu

Benjamin Clementine

This text was written by consulting the artist's website, Wikipedia, and online music magazines. Esse texto foi escrito através de consultas no site do artista, Wikipédia e em revistas online da área musical. " Out of absolutely nothing, I, Benjamin, I was born  So that when I become someone one day I will always remember that I came from nothing (...) I’m sending my condolence I’m sending my condolence to fear I’m sending my condolence I’m sending my condolence to insecurities " Benjamin Clementine, 34 years old, is a multifaceted English artist, occupying roles as a musician, composer, poet, and music producer. Hailing from North London, England, his journey is marked by challenges, including a period of homelessness during his adolescence in France. There are records dating back to 7 to 11 years ago on YouTube, showcasing him playing the guitar and singing in the Parisian metro. Benjamin Clementine, 34 anos, é um artista inglês multifacetado, desempenhando os papéis de

Léa Garcia

Lea Garcia (1933 - 2023) was one of the most important Brazilian actresses. She was a black woman, discovered in Teatro Experimental do Negro in the 1950s, directed by Abdias Nascimento, with whom Lea was married for 50 years. She was an award-winning actress, having stood out for winning the Best Actress awards at the Gramado Festival (2004) for the movie “As Filhas do Vento”, and at the Brazilian Film Festival in Toronto (2013) for “Acalanto”. But, not only these nominations mark Lea’s career. In total, the “Dama Negra do Teatro” (Black Lady of Theatre) has won more than ten awards in the “best actress” category. Lea Garcia (1933 - 2023) foi uma das mais importantes atrizes brasileiras. Mulher negra, foi descoberta pelo Teatro experimental do negro na década de 1950, dirigido por Abdias Nascimento, com quem Lea foi casada por 50 anos. Foi uma atriz premiada, tendo tido destaque ao vencer os premios de Melhor Atriz no Festival de Gramado (2004), por “As Filhas do Vento”, e no Festival